What To Do If Somebody Owes You Money
What To Do If Somebody Owes You Money Let's suppose someone owes you money and despite many attempts you just can't get them to pay you back. They keep promising to do so but nothing happens. What is the next step? An often effective opening move is to get a lawyer to...
Director Liability For Company Trading While Insolvent
Director Liability For Company Trading While Insolvent Many people operate their business by using a company as the trading entity so that they cannot become personally liable for the debts of the business since a company is a separate legal entity. However,...
What is NCAT?
What is NCAT? The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal commenced operation on 1 February 2014 as a "super tribunal" bringing together the work of 22 former tribunals into one. It deals with a wide range of matters including: * reviewing administrative decisions of...
Strata Disputes
Strata Disputes For those of you who live in a strata unit (and it appears that more and more of us will be in the future if the NSW Government has its way) one of the most common issues that arises is excessive noise made by neighbours. So, what do you do if you've...
Unfair Contract Terms in a Business to Business Contract
Unfair Contract Terms in a Business to Business Contract In a recent Federal Court case, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v J J Richards & Sons Pty Ltd [2017] FCA 1224, the Federal Court found that a number of terms in a standard form contract...