New Unfair Contract Protections for Small Business
New Unfair Contract Protections for Small Business The Federal Government recently passed legislation amending the Australian Consumer Law and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission Act so that it will extend protections to small businesses from unfair...
New Laws for Off-The-Plan Purchases
New Laws for Off-The-Plan Purchases A new amendment to the Conveyancing Act 1919 was passed by the NSW Parliament and applies from 2 November 2015 to the purchase of off-the-plan residential strata units or residential lots i.e. strata units or land lots awaiting...
Changes to Home Building Act
Changes to Home Building Act The Home Building Act 1989 deals mainly with the the licensing and regulation of builders performing residential building work. However, it also gives the benefit of warranties and insurance in respect of such work. On 15 January 2015...
New Swimming Pool Requirements
New Swimming Pool Requirements Under changes to the Swimming Pools Act 1992 pool owners must place their pool or spa on an online register. Owners may be fined if the pool is not registered. Pool fencing must also comply with with the Act. A swimming pool is defined...
New Power of Attorney Forms
New Power of Attorney Forms As from 1 March 2013 there will be two forms for a Power of Attorney whereas previously there was only one. The first form will be for a General Power of Attorney and the second for an Enduring Power of Attorney. The differences between the...