Update on Retail and Commercial Leases
If you are a landlord or tenant of retail or commercial premises during the current COVID-19 pandemic, you should be aware that following on from the introduction of the National Cabinet Commercial Leasing Mandatory Code and its adoption in NSW by the Retail and Other...
Update on Electronic Witnessing of Legal Documents
I continue to receive numerous enquiries for me to prepare and witness the signing of Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Enduring Guardian. Even though during the COVID-19 pandemic it is safer not to conduct face-to-face meetings, as previously...
Big News for Small Business
The Federal Government has announced that it is changing the insolvency laws to allow companies running small businesses to restructure their businesses and trade out of insolvency. The changes have been introduced to help those businesses severely affected during the...
Major New Legal Obligation on Those in the Building and Construction Industries
Under the Design and Building Practitioners Act, which commenced in NSW on 11 June 2020, a retrospective 10 year duty is now imposed on certain persons in the building and construction industries to exercise reasonable care to avoid economic loss caused by defects in...
Can You Claim for a Disappointing Holiday?
Recently a case came before the High Court of Australia in which a couple had booked a 10 day "once in a lifetime cruise along the grand waters of Europe" from Amsterdam to Budapest but ended up, due to severe weather conditions, sailing for only 3 days with...