Building Dispute Lawyers
When it comes to building and construction disputes you can rely on Tony Laumberg’s over 30 years’ litigation experience to provide you with a smooth, reasonably priced outcome backed up by high quality legal advice.
Building and construction disputes can be long, complex and costly. Whether the project involved is a house or a residential or commercial development many issues can arise including progress payments, defective work and time delays.
Once a dispute does arise it is important to get sound legal advice early on to clarify the legal position so as to reduce the time and money spent on negotiating a resolution during the course of building or construction work.
Tony Laumberg can assist you with a wide range of matters in this area including:
- Payment claims under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act
- Advice on building and construction contractual disputes
- Building negligence claims
- Building insurance claims
- Home warranty claims
- Alternate dispute resolution including arbitration and mediation
- Home Building Act advice
- Building contract negotiations
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