
Different Lease Scenarios on the Sale of a Business

Whenever a business owner is about to sell their business, the wishes of the purchaser have to be taken into account with regard to the Lease over the business premises. The current Lease may be for a long period with, say, three years left on a five year term with an...

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What is an Off-The-Plan Purchase?

  Most often people buy an existing property. However, when someone decides to purchase a property, such as a home unit, before it has even been constructed then they are selecting it off a plan that is presented to them. In New South Wales a vendor must give...

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Beware of Agents Bearing Buyers

There is a practice engaged in by some real estate agents of contacting the owner of a property and informing them that the agent has an interested buyer of the property at a price that immediately sparks the owner's interest. The agent then signs up the owner to an...

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Options to Renew in Leases

Often a retail or commercial Lease will contain an option to renew which is a right of the tenant to obtain one or more additional Lease terms provided the tenant gives the landlord a written notice exercising the option within a specified time frame. If the tenant...

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