by aslaumbe | Sep 19, 2023 | Articles, Wills & Deceased Estates Articles
It is not unusual for a person to want to leave a substantial gift to one or more of their favourite charities in a Will. However, should you wish to do so, care should be taken to ensure that your intentions can be carried out or that your gift will not lead to legal...
by aslaumbe | Jul 27, 2023 | Articles, Strata Matters & Dispute Articles
Noise is a common complaint that residents have in a strata complex whether it be from loud parties, lack of appropriate floor coverings, noise from equipment such as air-conditioning, renovation work or barking dogs to name a few. In such cases, what are the options...
by aslaumbe | Jul 27, 2023 | Articles, Strata Matters & Dispute Articles
Sometimes, you might feel you are facing a significant legal issue when the reality of the situation might be something completely different. Recently, a client contacted me about a strata shop that his wife owned. He informed me that a developer had offered to buy...
by aslaumbe | Jun 16, 2023 | Articles, Wills & Deceased Estates Articles
For those wondering if they are mentioned in another person’s will, you are not entitled to see someone’s will while that person is still alive. But what if the individual has passed away? Potential beneficiaries and others are often interested to...
by aslaumbe | Apr 4, 2023 | Articles, Lease Articles
A landlord is required by the Retail Leases Act 1994 (NSW) to give a tenant a Lessor’s Disclosure Statement at least 7 days before a retail lease is entered into. It contains important information about the premises, the lease and the tenant’s financial...
by aslaumbe | Apr 4, 2023 | Articles, Conveyancing Articles
You have just endured a lively bidding war for that perfect property and had your final bid accepted by the auctioneer. The property is yours! But there are still some important formalities to go through. Both the vendor and you have to sign a counterpart of the...