by aslaumbe | May 11, 2020 | Ligitations News, News
The NSW Government has decided to adopt Stage 1 of the the Federal Government’s Roadmap to a COVIDSafe Australia. This means that as from Friday, 15 May 2020 the previous restrictions will be eased to allow the following: outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people...
by aslaumbe | Apr 14, 2020 | Ligitations News, News
We often go to comparison websites to find the best deal for a hotel, holiday, home loan, car insurance, health insurance etc. and rely on the site to make a genuine recommendation as to the product that represents the best value for us. But can you really rely...
by aslaumbe | Apr 14, 2020 | Ligitations News, News
A decision of the High Court of Australia shines a light on how the Police can get it wrong when arresting someone. In NSW v Robinson [2019] HCA 46 (4 Dec 2019) the Court decided that the arrest of a man was unlawful as the arresting officer had no intention at...
by aslaumbe | Dec 1, 2019 | Ligitations News, News
Change to 40 km/hr Slow Down Road Rule From 26 September 2019 the road rule requiring motorists to slow down to 40 km/hr when passing stationary emergency vehicles with flashing blue or red lights has been changed. The rule has been expanded to also apply when...
by aslaumbe | May 9, 2019 | Articles, Conveyancing Articles, Ligitations News
What is a Deed of Family Agreement? Sometimes there may be issues inside a family, especially financial ones, that need to be resolved. Any agreement reached can be recorded in a legal document called a Deed of Family Agreement.A common example is where an elderly...
by aslaumbe | Oct 12, 2018 | Ligitations News, News
New Road Rule Concerning Emergency Vehicles A new road rule now requires motorists to slow down to 40 km/hr when passing a stationary emergency vehicle displaying blue or red flashing lights and to not increase speed until a safe distance past the vehicle. The rule...