Strata Matters & Disputes

With over 30 years’ experience Tony Laumberg can provide you with high quality legal assistance with respect to all kinds of strata title matters and disputes.


Strata Matters

Strata title is a system by which home units and townhouses can be owned. When a Strata Plan is registered it creates a number of lots and each one may comprise, for instance, a home unit, a balcony, a garage and a storage area and may be sold and purchased.

The registration of the Strata Plan also brings into existence an Owners Corporation which owns all the property in the strata scheme apart from the lots, called common property, such as the building and the surrounding areas.

The Owners Corporation is responsible for making decisions concerning the strata scheme and all the lot owners are voting members of it.

Tony Laumberg has experience in advising some of the largest strata schemes in Sydney’s Eastern suburbs and can assist you with the following matters:

    • Advising on Owners Corporation’s responsibilities to repair common property
    • Advising on parking issues concerning common property
    • Advising on and drafting by-laws
    • Recovery of outstanding levies
    • Enforcement of by-laws
    • Advising on meeting procedures, motions and resolutions
    • Advising on appointment and termination of strata managers, caretakers and building managers

Strata Disputes

Whether you are in a disagreement with another lot owner or you are the Owners Corporation in dispute with a lot owner or resident it is best if the parties attempt to talk things out between themselves. If a resolution cannot be reached then the matter may be referred to NSW Fair Trading to arrange a mediation.

A mediation involves negotiation between the parties with the assistance of an independent mediator experienced in strata disputes. Any agreement reached is binding between the parties.

If mediation does not achieve a satisfactory result then the matter will have to be decided by a Tribunal called NCAT.

Tony Laumberg can help you at all stages of a strata dispute so as to bring about a practical, speedy and cost effective resolution.

Latest News

Latest Changes to Strata Law

Numerous changes to strata title legislation came into effect on 11 December 2023. A recent report found that more than 25% of people may now reside in strata-titled properties such as units and townhouses. So, changes to strata law will affect more and more people...

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More Changes for the Keeping of Pets in Strata Units

In October 2020 the NSW Court of Appeal ruled that a certain by-law in a strata scheme that imposed a blanket ban on the keeping of animals was oppressive and therefore invalid. Now the NSW Parliament has gone a step further and passed a new law, the Strata Schemes...

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New Laws for Off-the-Plan Purchases

New Laws for Off-the-Plan Purchases Off-the-plan property buyers will soon get better protection when new laws come into effect on 1 December 2019. They will give purchasers greater rights and more certainty and will stop rorts like developers selling a one bedroom...

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New Laws for Off-The-Plan Purchases

New Laws for Off-The-Plan Purchases A new amendment to the Conveyancing Act 1919 was passed by the NSW Parliament and applies from 2 November 2015 to the purchase of off-the-plan residential strata units or residential lots i.e. strata units or land lots awaiting...

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Latest Articles

Non-Payment of Strata Levies

Not only do almost 20% of people in NSW reside in a strata properties, others also own or occupy retail or commercial strata premises. Funds for the repairs and maintenance of the strata common property as well as insurance and administration costs of the strata...

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Noise Problems in a Strata Complex

Noise is a common complaint that residents have in a strata complex whether it be from loud parties, lack of appropriate floor coverings, noise from equipment such as air-conditioning, renovation work or barking dogs to name a few. In such cases, what are the options...

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When a Lawyer Comes in Really Handy!

Sometimes, you might feel you are facing a significant legal issue when the reality of the situation might be something completely different. Recently, a client contacted me about a strata shop that his wife owned. He informed me that a developer had offered to buy...

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Things to Look Out for When Getting a Strata Report

These days, if you are considering buying a strata property, the owner is likely to have already purchased a strata report and for a small fee you can obtain a copy online through the agent. A strata report is a review of the records of the Owners Corporation which...

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